Ethical Dilemmas in Issue Writing 


Internal auditors are supposed to remain independent from the organization in which they work. We usually do this by establishing reporting lines directly to an audit committee, but the reality is that we still work in this organization. We still must ride the elevator with coworkers in other departments, and we still get paid for working at our jobs. Because of the unique position we are in, we often face an ethical dilemma at the end of every audit. Management wants to issue a “clean” report, while auditors need to report unbiased facts that highlight risks to the organization. In the end, we must decide if we will keep our reports intact or bend to pressure from management to sanitize the language before it gets to senior leadership.  

After completing this course, you will be able to: 

  • Write issues according to the standards that avoid ethical confrontation 
  • Utilize lessons from real world examples and ethical dilemmas  
  • Apply strategies to address ethical challenges from management 

Participants will earn 1.5 CPE credit 
Field of StudyAuditing  

Additional Info

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of internal audit report writing.
Who Should Attend: This session is designed for all internal auditors.
Advanced Preparation: None
Program Level: Basic 
Delivery Method: ARC virtual on-demand training film

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Management Trainer

Toby DeRoche is Chief Learning Officer at ARC Americas, Audit Research Center | ARC Institute. He is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) with an MBA and Internal Audit specialization from Louisiana State University. He is also certified in Control Self-Assessment (CCSA), Risk Management Assurance (CRMA), and Fraud Examination (CFE). His professional background includes identification and documentation of weaknesses that result in heightened business risk, while recommending solutions to such situations. Toby began his career in internal audit with Macy’s Inc. He then worked as a management consultant for Wolters Kluwer. As ARC Americas Chief Learning Officer, Toby is dedicated to the continued education of audit, risk, and fraud professionals.

ARC Verhaltensregeln | Ethik Kodex | AGB

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Download Link: Gesamte ARC Verhaltensregeln | Ethik Kodex | AGB

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Training on demand

Participants will earn 1.5 CPE credit


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